Monday, February 21, 2011

VTS (Visual Thinking Strategies)

When showing a work of art to students, it is important as a teacher to facilitate VTS.  Visual Thinking Strategies are implemented in the classroom when the teacher challenges the children to look at a piece of art critically.  When a student makes a comment about the artwork, the teacher may ask the student why he or she sees that.  This allows the student to think more elaborately and critically.  VTS is important in the classroom because it leads to deeper thinking in the students.  Children are permitted to give their opinions and observations about the art piece, but are required to give evidence to why they believe it to be so.  By the teacher using VTS, he or she is creating continuous conversation, allowing the students to bounce ideas off one another.  Visual Thinking Strategies creates deep learning, which can seep into other core curriculums.

Nighthawks (1942) by Edward Hopper
My friends discussion about this piece of art using VTS:
  • Kirsten Allan (Age 20): She believes that the painting takes place in the 1930s, during the Great Depression.  The bartender in the painting looks old.  He kind of resembles an old scientist with the white coat.  It doesn't look like he belongs because he is blending into the white background.  It looks like it takes place during the Great Depression because everything outside is dark and empty, and the restaurant/bar is the only thing that has any light to it.  The guy by himself seems to have had a bad day or trouble with the stocks, since he is sitting alone at the bar.  The date couple look like their dates had problems, which led them to end up at the bar together.  She believes that this takes place in Philadelphia because of the name on the outside of the bar/restaurant.
  • Lexi Deol (Age 20): She believes that the painting takes place during the Great Depression because there is not a lot of people around and the stores across the street are empty.  There is also no one in the streets.  The guy at the bar with his back turned looks morose, alone, and sad because of the shadows that are casted on him.  She believes that this takes place in a city, probably New York City or Chicago because in the 1930s it was either rural or urban, no really in between.  

1 comment:

  1. Great image choice! It leaves a lot of room for imaginative story development.
