Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Focus Activity

Chapter 2:

A         There are areas of (and content students need to know within) curriculum       A
            that could benefit from arts-activity infusion.

A         I am able to imagine what arts activities I would use in arts-infused lessons      A
              across the curriculum.

A         Pre-planning and linking arts activities to big ideas and content standards         D
              will take a great deal of effort and time.

D         I am concerned that I am not artistically talented and it will adversely affect      D
                my planning for arts-infused lessons.

Chapter 3:

A          I need to know what students already know about a topic before planning           A
                    my instruction.

D          I know of multiple ways to easily find out what students already know about       A
                    a topic before instruction begins.

A          Knowledge is "understanding."                                                                         A

A          I can imagine ways in which arts activities could help fill the gap between            A
              what students already know and what they need to know about a chosen 

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