From watching the video clip of John Stewart on the Daily Show, I am shocked to find out that this had been going on in Texas. I am surprised that ordinary people (like the dentist) are allowed to be on a school board that concerns the type of education that children are receiving. Most of these people on the school board have no experience in education. I believe that this should be outlawed. I think that people who are inexperienced with education should not have a say on what should be put in state textbooks.
The quote by Paulo Freire is very moving. I believe that what Freire wrote is the absolutely true about "Pedagogy of the Oppressed." You can see how "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" takes place throughout history. One example of this is the history of California. The Native Americans of California faced this oppression from Spanish missionaries. They made the Native Americans leave their homes and tradition to live in the missions. This continued on with the Mexicans taking over California, and later the Americans. The Native Americans were constantly oppressed.
One way you can use art in the classroom to create a common ground among your students is through self portraits. This allows children to love their bodies and their skin. You can have the student paint themselves creatively, emphasizing their favorite aspect of themselves.
Very good connection to California history! Really thoughtful commentary.